In the first place, it's like the argument for not hating Mondays. If you do, you are hating 1/7 of your life. Only with Winter, it's hating 1/4 of your life.
I am very sad when we empty and close up the camper. It is with regret that I wash and store the cushions from our deck and patio. I love gardening and having fresh tomatoes, herbs and flowers. There are even a few of my summer clothes that I miss once I put them in the attic. So what do I like about Winter?
For one thing, even though I love gardening, a three-month respite is always nice. It's a chance to make new resolutions about weeding and peruse the catalogs for new varieties to try.
And I love sweats, sweaters, sweatshirts, warm quilts and afghans, and fleece-lined slippers. Plus, there are certain comfort foods that we only have in the winter: soups, most stews, pot pies. We love homemade soup with a little fresh bread. Even some desserts are wintery to me. Baked apples with vanilla sauce and bread pudding. Yum.
But mainly Winter is catch-up time. The cold temperatures and early dark force us inside for a longer time. It is a chance to catch up on my stack of books to read and movies to watch. It's a good time to bring scrapbooks up to date. This winter I need to finish granddaughter Jessi's scrapbook since she will be graduating in the spring. I have a kit for a pieced table runner that I need to put together and quilt for Christmas. And of course, there's always writing. It's easier when there is no temptation to go sit outside.
I should add that I am not averse to complaining when snow threatens an event or the safety of the participants as it did Saturday for our local self-publishing workshop at our library. That wasn't necessary--the snow could have held off a few more hours. But we had a nice turn-out and it went well. And it was cozy in the library.