All the leaves are brown
And the sky is gray.
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day
But if I was camping
I wouldn't stray
Campground Dreamin'
On such a winter's day...
...and thinking of this lovely spot at Lake Lurleen State Park in Alabama where we spent part of Easter weekend last spring. Our plans for this spring are up in the air but we haven't given up. There have been a lot of ups and downs in the last six months, mostly connected with my husband/driver/houseboy's cancer treatments. But things have gone well lately, so we are daring to think about some plans.

Meanwhile, there are other tasks that needed doing. I had my dental check up and discussed camping dreams with my dentist, who is also a camper. I had my first ever fender bender one snowy day at the hospital, and my Escape will go to the body shop for a new bumper this week. (More expensive than the dentist, by the way.) We also need to think about plans for a couple of family events: a grandson graduates from high school in May, a new great-grandbaby is due at the same time, and a granddaughter gets married in August.
So weather and health permitting--and the former is also a big issue this year--in a few weeks, we may be on our way. If not, those of you who are already out there, enjoy. Hopefully we'll see you somewhere along the road.