By the front door with care
In hopes that Kate was finally out of those orange-flavored Crest sample tubes of toothpaste.
We once again gathered at the cabins at Lake Darling State Park for Christmas. We last did this four years ago in 2017 and had a wonderful time. We didn't know then what trials and separations the next four years would bring. The next two years, a diagnoses of cancer to my beloved husband along with appointments, treatments, and life-changing decisions would color our lives and pervade our communications and get togethers. There were bright spots--three grandchildren graduated, two married, and a new great-granddaughter, but it was a long hard time. The next two years began with the loss of my husband and continued with the onslaught of Covid. Working from home, isolation, and online classes became the rule of the day.
So it was with great hope that we planned this get together and with great hope we will go forward. All of our family came except one granddaughter and her husband, who are youth ministers in Alabama and had Christmas duties at their church. I realize that with most of the grandchildren in their 20s and 30s, this may be the last holiday we will come that close. There will be jobs, in-laws, and other demands that will prevent a full gathering. So I especially cherished this time.