When we arrived in Dallas Friday, our smaller slide containing the stove, fridge, and TV sounded like a road grader when I put it out. Not good. Since downpours were forecast for the next 36 hours, we didn't want to bring it in and have it get stuck partway. Besides, no one repairs RVs on weekends. So Monday morning, we got on the phone to the nearest dealer, our dealer, the manufacturers of the trailer and the slide, and a mobile repair service. Brick walls every where.
We decided to cancel the rest of our trip to Mississippi, Florida and Georgia and head home. Back on I-75 and Oklahoma 69 to be battered to pieces. We spent last night again at Lake Eufala with much better weather than last Thursday. Then on the road today to Peculiar, Missouri. It's one of my favorite town names.
We are staying at Peculiar Park Place RV Park. All of the campground streets are named for Monopoly properties! It seems like a very nice place in spite of high winds and rain forecast for overnight. Tomorrow, home and emptying the camper to prepare for repairs we hope.