Everyone else is home--we are still in transit. We stopped the first night in Huntsville, Alabama, and yesterday made Springfield Illinois about 4:30, debating whether to continue on home. The message board above the interstate read "Accidents Ahead! Take alternate routes!" That, and my sore back decided it. We landed at a Drury Inn and were delighted that the room included not only breakfast but also a light buffet supper--especially appreciated because it started to rain immediately after our arrival and we didn't have to go back out. I know the rain is much needed.
So, home today and back to exercise and better eating routines. There's also fall decorations to remove and Christmas to put up. (And I vow I will thin those out and get rid of a lot this year!) Friday, I will be selling books at the annual ACT craft fair. Eye, dentist, and doctor appointments will fill up the rest of the week. I think I'm getting too old for this.