Well, perhaps that scene requires too much imagination. So what do you do when it rains relentlessly for two days and you are living in 240 square feet? Road trip. Being a reader and writer, one of my favorite stops is an independent bookstore. Yesterday, we perused The Paper Moon in McGregor--three floors of books and gifts. This is a good time for me to do a little early holiday shopping. Do you know someone who needs a purse entirely made out of can tabs? Cool socks? A great new children's book or one of the classics? These shops are each unique from the decor to the merchandise. Saturday, we were in The Book Worm in Bellevue, which carries, as well as books, a multitude of signs with inspirational or humorous sayings. My favorite: "Ahhh-I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again." They also have a vast collection of used paperbacks.
After checking out a few other shops in McGregor, we crossed Old Man River to Prairie du Chien and had lunch at Rowdy's Bar and Grill, known for their great burgers. Their fries aren't too shabby either. Then on the recommendation of a fellow camper, we had to stop at Valley Fish and Cheese.

A few stops at more mundane places like the dollar store and Piggly-Wiggly and we were headed back across the river and the campground. Just enough time for a little R and R before a soup buffet supper: beer cheese soup and sausage minestrone, followed by the rest of the peach upside-down cake.
Today we must return home, but we decided our departure could wait until after lunch if the rain is gone (as the weather people promised) and there's a chance of some good color shots.