Not being excited about moving every night, we got out the atlas and found Frontenac State Park in Minnesota just south of Red Wing--about 30 miles farther on. I got on the phone and called the Minnesota reservations number. The connection was terrible and kept cutting out, but the nice lady was very patient and found one site big enough for our camper but only available for two nights. We grabbed it and got back on the road.
Our site was very tight to get into but we made it. Apparently we are in the 'Iowa loop.' The people across the road, next to us, and behind us are all from Iowa. It was 6:00 by the time we got set up, so supper was an 'encore buffet.' Soup left from the night before and sandwiches. The big excitement for us is TV reception for the first time in a week and a half. However, tornado warnings for the west part of the state rolled across the screen all night and sometime in the night a huge system passed just north of us. This morning on the radar, it looked like the worst of it hit Copper Falls so we got out just in time.
Today we will probably check out the park and explore Red Wing. Our site in a county park near Mankato was available Thursday night also and I extended our reservation there. So tomorrow, on to our second-to-last stop on this trip and some visits with extended family.