No problem, we sez. We will just make the half-hour drive to the Lake, be there when the guard shack opens at 9:00, reserve the site in person for Friday night, then go back with the camper at our leisure. And that would have been no problem except that they have a rule that you can't register for a site until you put a camper or tent on it. Now, we ran into this years ago and bought a $20 teeny tiny tent for just such a purpose. But had we thought to throw it in the car? Of course not. So back home, get the tent, and Butch hightails it back, lays the tent out on the site, weighs it down with a rock, beats it back to the guard shack, and snags the site.
After that, things went smoothly and it was a beautiful day. Blue sky and nice breeze, accompanied by the dull roar nearby of water rushing through the outflow tube under the dam. Due to recent rains, a lot of water is being let out and it's mesmerizing to watch it rush and tumble through the tube. And the cottonwood trees are shedding, so it's like a light snowfall. There are piles of 'cotton' under the picnic tables that look remnants of a pillow fight.
This is not just any weekend at the lake. Today is the Turkey Vulture Festival. Consider the poor turkey vulture for a moment. Two words that have negative connotations to humans. "Turkey" is what we call someone when we think they've done something dumb and "Vulture" indicates greed. It's like naming a baby "Ugly Loser" or something. So it's kind of nice that they have a festival for them. We will probably check that out.