Through the day, I made several observations. Knee braces, elbow wraps, and other supports were more in evidence than at most sports venues. Many tee shirts sported medical insurance logos. On the other hand there was a noticeable lack of tattoos, torn jeans, and piercings. Competition was fierce, but good-natured, odd as that may seem.
Overheard scraps of conversation were different, too, than one would hear at high school, college, or professional events. Terms like bypass, pacemakers, and hip replacements were frequently scattered through discussions of players, matches, and techniques. My favorite comment was from a man behind me about one of the players: "He moves like he's 55." Since this was the 70-74 bracket, he meant it as a compliment. I had tremendous admiration for all of these people who thrive on being active. The pervading feeling throughout the day was, regardless of outcome, was that everyone there was just glad to be alive and moving.
A plug here for senior facilities. There were many comments about the lack of pickleball courts (currently the fastest growing sport in the US) for seniors. The traditional view has been to throw 'em in a nursing home in a rocking chair. But perhaps so many care facilities wouldn't be necessary if more active lives were encouraged and enabled? Jus a thought.