It was especially fun for me to meet many women whose names and posts I had seen on the Facebook page and now am able to put faces and personalities with. These women represented Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska and a variety of backgrounds and careers. Most have weathered family crises, career turns and/or health challenges but exhibit an incredible spirit and support for each other. And the whimsical campers that they have created are amazing.
In addition, we spent one evening with granddaughter Brooke and her husband and part of a day with my old college roommate.
In the midst of it all, on Friday, the water pump in our new trailer gave out completely. We have had trouble with it since the beginning--maintaining water temperature in the shower and producing noise that grinds our nerves to dust. I couldn't complain too loudly about the lack of water because many of the Glampers' own trailers that were built before they started putting bathrooms in them. But I did complain.
And since we have a short trip planned for this week, yesterday after unloading laundry, clothes, and the entire refrigerator, we hauled it back to the dealer's and left it on their doorstep, so to speak. Hopefully they will get a new pump in it today. So I have expanded her name to Lucy the Gray Ghost because she has disappeared so frequently from our yard.
I took the liberty of stealing a few photos from other Glampers so you can share their wonderful creativity. The exception: the second photo was taken after a raccoon raid when they unwrapped and ate about 60 pieces of bubblegum as well as opening Tic-Tacs and eating those also. Our bubble blowing contest was cancelled.