Our campsites are each very secluded with nice but narrow blacktop pads. Because of the holiday weekend, the campground is pretty full. For supper last night, the Ottaways had offered to do a shrimp boil. They had apparently picked up a truckload of shrimp when they were in Texas during the winter. They had borrowed a turkey fryer for the purpose and it was awesome to watch.

Today, brother-in-law Ken will smoke a brisket for tonight’s feast. Everyone will provide sides to accompany it. I plan to fix roasted cauliflower in lemon and garlic. I’d better do a lot of walking today. We may also take in some of the Mark Twain sites, as well as the fun shops in nearby Perry.
At some point, I will need to find a sweet spot where my Verizon Hotspot actually works so I can upload this blog and check email. That may be the biggest challenge of the day.