The feeble internet connection I was able to get on Friday morning did not materialize on Saturday, so after lunch we decided to go in search of that elusive tether to the world. The Cannon Dam General Store advertised free wi-fi and we needed ice anyway so it seemed a good destination.
And it was. Basically a convenience store with more fishing lures and camper repair parts than the average such establishment, it has the added bonus in the back of a couple of washers and dryers plus tables where you can sit and take advantage of their wi-fi. I was able to upload the blog I had written that morning, check email and book sales, and take a brief look at the social media.
This type of service is not that surprising in this area. There are three Corps of Engineers campgrounds on Mark Twain Lake with almost 600 campsites, plus a state park campground and a plethora of private places. (Nice alliteration, huh?) If the other phone companies have as big a black hole as Verizon does, I imagine the free wi-fi gets quite a bit of use.
When we returned, I took a walk on one of the ‘Lake Access’ paths that cautioned Unstable Footing. The campground sits high above the lake and the shores are pretty steep. The unstable footing was created by a lot of loose rock on the descent to the lake edge. But it was very pretty and I wasn’t attacked by any critters. We were entertained overhearing some kids on bikes yelling to each other to “meet at the wi-fi place.” Whether or not they knew that the symbol on the sign they were talking about was actually for the small amphitheater, it certainly was a sign of the times.