For some reason, the drive to Lincoln took longer than we anticipated--not sure why. But eventually we reached one of the campgrounds at Branched Oak State Park northwest of Lincoln. The park itself is wonderful. Can't say much for the showers. They are quite old and operated by a ring and chain apparatus that looks like it belongs in a medieval torture chamber. It pulls very hard--I can't imagine that any child under ten can operate it. But the sites are nice with great views.

We returned to the campground and sat outside for a couple of hours under a moonless, starry, starry sky worthy of Van Gogh.
While the guys golf, Ann, niece Abby, and I will take in a quilt exhibit in downtown Lincoln, hit a grocery store, and come back here to get the fire started for supper. You know how it is for us pioneer women.
This morning I plan to get a bike ride in around the campground. Don't laugh--it's quite large. I also have not met my writing goals the last two days so need to work on that. And there is an arboretum here in the park that we might take in. Ah, the strenuous life of a camper.