We crossed the dam and took a long loop to reach, first of all, the overlook for Fall Creek Falls. This is either the highest or one of the highest falls east of the Rockies, depending on the brochure you're looking at. And the overlook, as the word implies, is much higher. Those of you who know me know I wasn't going to get too close to the railing so Butch took most of the pictures. The flow is much less than in spring or summer but still it is a beautiful spot.
We continued the drive, pulling over a couple of times at overlooks with stunning views of the gorge. At the first one, a nice couple from Jackson, Tennessee offered to take our picture and he confessed that he feels much the same about heights as I do. As we were leaving, a family with two boys arrived and I thought how glad I was not to be keeping track of kids in these spots. At the next overlook, there were our friends from Jackson and we exchanged a few comments.

That ended the driving loop so we decided to check out the conference center and restaurant overlooking the lake. It was lunch time and we found the fare at the restaurant reasonably priced and good.