Frannie is an only child and her father was killed in the Korean War, so she grew up as a close companion to her widowed mother, who never remarried. She and Larry have two children: Sam, a science teacher who is married to Beth, and Sally, who is a social worker in St. Louis. Sam and Beth have two children, Sarabeth (known as Sabet) 9, and Joe, 7. Sabet and Joe get to join the camping trip and the adventures in The Blue Coyote.
Frannie is short, round-faced and dark haired. She loves bright colors except pink. Her health is generally good, but she is plagued by some of the aches and pains typical of the sixties. She especially loves camping with friends, exploring all of the area attractions, and the established routines of their trips. Her motivation in helping to solve the crimes she encounters is mainly to return things to normal. Fortunately, for those around her!