It’s very large--over 100 sites--and the campground roads plus the bike trail along the Des Moines River make for a lot of great bike riding that isn’t too much of a challenge for our old legs. Yesterday we took several short rides.

Yesterday morning we made a trip into Pella for several important errands: a new cord for our percolator since ours gave up the ghost that morning, and a visit to Jaarmsma”s Bakery for some nice whole wheat bread and well--a couple of muffins, strudel and a few cookies. And then lunch at the Smokey Row coffee shop and a chance to catch up on our email, etc. Today we will return to the bakery to pick up some cinnamon bread one of our fellow campers ordered for tomorrow’s special breakfast and a little more internet time. But mostly we are relaxing and I am working on the second book in the Mystery Sisters series, tentatively titled Foliage and Fatalities.
On the agenda for the rest of the week: the winery, sales at a couple of the shops, and maybe some barbecue. Plus naps.