But even thought it was a small fraction of my family, we still managed a ham, sweet potatoes, and salad on Sunday. The chaos in the house necessitated perching on stools at the island but we did clear most of the painting supplies off first. We didn't have an Easter egg hunt because one of his three dogs, Gracie, an Australian shepherd, thinks anything round is something to chase. Every time we'd take a break and go outside to enjoy the fine weather, Gracie would race around to collect her old softball or blue rubber ball and leap up on the porch to drop it at my feet. I think she liked that I couldn't throw it as far as her master.
True to tradition, Easter brought fine spring weather--even more appreciated after the winds, tornadoes, hail and storms of the last few weeks. Time to get some yard work done, and, as soon as the battery issue is solved with my camper, dewinterize and clean it so I can haul about four totes of stuff from the attic to restock it.